In this current situation, it is not an easy task to stay calm and not getting affected by what’s on going out there.
I believe exercices and any other practices (Qi Gong, Yoga, Tai Chi and others) are part of the key to an optimum health. Therefore, to contribute in keeping people active in their home, I invite you to practice only 30 mins every single day with me from 11.30am to 12pm GMT (Ireland/London) and feel the difference in your body.
In those classes, I will focus mainly on increasing our immune system and moving stagnant energy which create sickness.
Join me every morning from March 22nd to April 5th — 11.30am to 12pm to experience this 5000 years-old ancient practice.
Platform: ZOOM
Nathalie is a certified Taoist instructor who has trained in Thailand with GrandMaster Mantak Chia and around the globe with top seniors instructors from the Universal Healing Tao system.
She has always been fascinated by the body and its function that lead her to learn other practices helping the body to release tensions and stored emotions with alternative Asian medecines such as Chi Nei Tsang and Tok Sen from Master Chia school.
She has also previously run body-based psychology workshops that involves the body intelligence.
The mind can also be tricky, so she learnt to play trick to the mind and got certified in NLP (Richard Bandler School with the Irish Institute of NLP).
#kamasundari #stayhomechallenge #stayhealthy