
My Message

Anything that you can be, is available to you right now. It is at a thought distance. Once you understand, respect and start to use the mind in your favour, life take a turn that you can never imagine would have taken before. Sounds simple and it is. It just takes practice and a bit of help.

At 37 years old, I asked for help for the first time in my life. It was my turning point, it was the moment where I was able to skyrocket my evolution as a human being. I accepted myself as imperfect and in need for help. In that moment, I accepted to be helped and guided through my evolution.

I am very grateful to my great teachers, some famous and some unknown: John Maxwell, Werner Erhard, Don Miguel Ruiz, Martin Duffy, De’an Matuka, Sanna Sanita, Susanne Roursgaard (De-armouring), Patricia Martello (Vital Development) and many more who I will not name here and they are in my heart and influenced me in ways I will not be able to describe only in words.

Now, with over 25 years experience in yoga, tantra, well-being, shamanism, reiki, bodywork, public speaking, study of the mind and over 200 books read in this domain and growing, I am starting to understand how do we function as human beings.
I am here to share with you my experience, my knowledge and my Heart.